Resolved, that is one of the most important terms ever used by our Government and more so the founding fathers.
We see America changing to a country that is being increasingly run by a federal Government, standing in absolute contrast with the constitution as written by our founding fathers.
We as a people must once again resolve to throw off the shackles of oppression, this time from our very own government as warned possible by the signers of our Declaration of Independence.
The American people are now in a state of bearing the weight brought by politicians in the form of taxations.
This over taxation as a way to pay for entitlements is forewarned by our founding fathers “as a way for unworthy candidates to practice with success the vicious arts by which elections are too often carried”.
The American people also find themselves enslaved to a portion of the populous that gladly grants Government more influence over their daily lives, as a way to not have to work to find success in life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness.
These people gladly enter into slavery and drag the rest of us as well, so government will grant them a modicum of a meager life, a small amount of liberty as well as a sense of happiness.
The American people must resolve to return to a Republic that lifts the burden of paying for those who will not stand free of the enslavement of entitlements provided by less than moral politicians who use benevolence as a way to gain power.
The argument of freedom and enslavement has been settled long ago in the history of our blessed country. From the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, Supreme Court decisions and the Civil Rights act.
People have fought physical oppression and enslavement, yet as civilization has given way to the technical age we have found there are still millions of poor and down trodden.
We now recognize this is because of a form of oppression that has not been seen since our Independence, that of taxation without representation. You say we have representation, yet the very representatives we vote for often are just as bad as kings of the past.
We as Americans must resolve to reign in our Government and elected officials at all points.
It is their by resolved that we the people of America having tired of corruption, do require that our elected officials at all levels shall move forward on a constitutional amendment to establish term and age limits.
It is further resolved that the oppression felt by all productive citizens be relieved by the implementation of a consumption tax (fair tax) as already in front of the House and Senate. Finally we the people in the strongest of terms want an end to an entitlement society that tamps the spirit of freedom and enslaves to government, citizens of average standing.
It is their by resolved that all federal entitlement programs be audited for fraud, the punishment for this being a 2 year restriction from authorization to use any entitlements. Further more all federal agencies and organizations in which any entitlements is issued be review annually to determine redundancy and that of any redundancy be rectified by consolidation or elimination.