Inflected Form(s):
de·served; de·serv·ing
Middle English, from Anglo-French deservir, from Latin deservire to devote oneself to, from de- + servire to serve
13th century
transitive verb : to be worthy of : merit
— de·serv·er noun
I wonder with this word how the President and the Democratic Party can say that the people deserve Universal Health care. You see I as a veteran have certain physical problems that cause me discomfort on a continual basis, I go to the V.A. for care for my service connected problems. I got them while serving my country and in such I feel I deserve the care for things that resulted in putting my physical health on the line for my country. For all others things I don’t deserve anything, I have not done anything other than any other citizen that causes me to deserve care from the government at the cost of everyone else. I have been told by people that they deserve healthcare that they paid their taxes and they deserve for the government to take care of them. The paying of taxes is something that everyone does, from it we get security through the military and aid in the way of FEMA and other things. But how’s it that this health care is deserved, if we are allowed to add things to what we think the government has to pay for because we claim we deserve it. Then we can give ourselves everything, the question is who is going to pay for it. You say tax the producers or better stated the rich, the question is after working to earn their money and build their business why do they deserve to have to pay more. They are the makers of jobs and commerce, they deserve to be left to build more and grow jobs (something the government can’t do). Deserve, maybe we need to learn what words mean.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
8:21 AM
Posted by
Jimmie T.
Archivado en:
problem is the people who feel they deserve health care could afford it if, they didnt have a cell phone for each family member, over a hundread channels on there flat pannel fifty inch T.V, high speed internet, o-yea a drug habit that cost more then the insurance would ever cost. deserve i think not! o-yea how many of these people allready use med acare? most.
As a Christian Christ doesn’t even promise us good circumstances. Jesus doesn’t say if you are a follower of me, everything is going to get better. As a matter of fact He said you will be ridiculed for it. Steven was even stoned to death and hung upside down on a cross for being a believer. Did he deserve that? He Christ says you will partake in my (Christ’s) sufferings. Even the Apostle Paul Writes " oh to know the sufferings of
Christ. Romans 5 1 -5 says...............
1Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. 3Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5And hope (Christ) does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
So I agree. If more people would look to God as our founding fathers did and seek out what God says we deserve then maybe they’d understand and maybe we would be more on the same train of thought.
I would also add that because of our sin and being so disobedient God sent Christ to earth to pay a debt we could never pay. So if you ask me what I deserve I deserve death but glory be to God for sending Christ to earth to pay my debt in full and if it wasn’t for Him paying my debt I deserve nothing and only look forward to what God says I deserve.
Great job Jimmie you touched a nerve with the subject matter of deserving. Well laid out, spoken, brings up a nice point. Don’t forget in the fight show love, work on the relationship cause if people believe in you and trust you they will follow you because of the relationship.
Keep um coming. Thanks for the standing up and walking up and not just complaining but putting passion into action.
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