Monday, July 20, 2009

Age of Aquarius

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius............ Harmony and understanding............. Sympathy and trust abounding............. No more falsehoods or derisions................. Golden living dreams of visions............ Mystic crystal revelation.............. And the mind's true liberation.......... wow, thats so cool man. it's the spirit of the 60's man, thats what we have in office. They are going to set the world straight, take from all the evil rich and and share the love with everyone. Everyone should have everything, don't worry about fixing things because the government is in the hands of those who just want everyone to love each other. Don't know what I am talking about, just go to youtube and look at the clip from the movie Hair and the Aquarius portion. Those are the people we have in office, the people who want us to go to work and build our economy and be good stuarts of our country. But don't succeed to much, then they will have to make you share the love. Whether you like it or not. You see these peace loving people now have the power of the government to set things straight. They know the peoples will and how to make things right in the world, they have been working towards it since they came aware in the 60's. You see once everyone has given everything to the government then we can all be free! Every dream out of the 60's is about to be realized, freedom man as only the government can give it.

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Anonymous said...
July 22, 2009 at 11:41 AM  

Yea let the government have control man they know what’s best for you, you know like Stalin and Hitler did, man what a utopia they had in mind.
The problem is that we as a nation are so caught up in our self absorbed world that we think that the government should do for us. Rather than do for our selves. This health care legislation is a fine example. With two thirds of our society over weight, the president has already made comments about putting people on a regiment then checking in on them to make sure they are staying true to it. Does the utopia of every one having healthcare mean that we are all going to be put on strict diets? Are all the citizens of the new democratic utopia going to have to go to the gym on a regular basis?? And as far as being prosperous, forget that, there will be no way to be! Not unless you are part of the global society that is willing to pay half of your income into the common coffers. Prosperity will be measured by how many people you feed in the homeless shelter. Yea looking forward to a leader who can say stop all this mamsy pamsy bulony. A leader who says that we are responsible for our own futures not the government.

Jimmie T. said...
July 23, 2009 at 1:00 AM  

You have hit the nail on the head more than I did and I appriciate you comment. We will find that leader, that may be the true challange of our time but we will succeed.

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