Wednesday, August 5, 2009


In this single payer plan who is the single payer?
Notice that point of the equation is often left out, because the single payer is the government. Where will the government get the money to make the payment for any and all healthcare? It will come from you and I.

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Jamie said...
August 5, 2009 at 9:36 AM  

The single payer title is quiet the ruse! With the single payer system the government will be the sole payer and directly in competition with private industry, using our tax dollars to under bid the insurance companies. This has such a major effect on both the profit margin of the insurance company and the products our health systems supply. Any one who knows any things about business knows that being forced into making less money will force you to cut the cost of doing business. That means less for our dollars. So they will have to send you to doctors that are going to try and make as much as they can by providing as little as possible. The government will also (as the single payer – using your dollars for you) have to shop for the lowest price for services. This will mean our government going to doctors and medical facilities that will try to make as much as they can from, the same government that now only pays a fraction of the set cost of the services they clam to provide. Everyone knows that the government pays really well for the crappiest work. There’s an old adage, it’s good enough for government. That’s what the single payer plan will be, one more way to get crappy service for too much money.

Jennifer Milligan said...
August 5, 2009 at 1:50 PM  

I love it when I debate with people over this and they call it "free" healthcare... o contrar my friend, you'll being paying through the nose, but instead of writing the check to Blue Cross Blue Shield, it will be to good ol Uncle Sam. And I can bet it will be for a lot more than what you pay monthly now!

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