You see the Government is currently telling you that millions of people are in crisis because they don’t have healthcare. Yet how many more millions are in crisis because they can’t get to work in a reliable care? An individual without a reliable car has an increased chance of losing their jobs, costing them and the economy more than can be estimated by my humble means. But if they had a new car (say from a government owned car company), they could make it to work and have a better chance of succeeding at their jobs and the bosses would lose less money. This would also put more money into the pocket of the individual and allow them to pay for that healthcare that they so easily claim is a human right.
The truth is I don’t think the government should give anyone a car or universal healthcare.
I think that government should stop being so wasteful with our tax dollars that they have to take more, claiming that because people can’t afford health insurance they will pay for it with yet still more taxes. The problem is that it is a vicious cycle of government taking more of the individual’s money through taxes, then offering help because of the lack of money due to over taxation.
If you turn on the light it’s them in your house, look at every bill and you will see that government has its hands deep in your pockets, we are overburdened with taxes preventing success, and they are in your way.
What does this government do? It over taxes but offers more entitlements yet because of this people can’t afford things in their life like healthinsurance.
What is the answer? Well there is a big movement called the Tea Party or you can work at your own level by writing you elected officials. Tell them this simple message, stay out of our homes, stay out of our pocket and stay out of our way. We will fix America!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
9:20 AM
Posted by
Jimmie T.
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