Friday, October 9, 2009

Oh My God!

My daughter has a new term, I think now is the time for me to use it. Oh My God, that is what she says and that is what I think when I hear that President Obama has won an award for freedom after being in office for only two weeks! What kind of award is it when you get it for your intentions or because they hated your predecessor so much that they award you just because it's not him. Oh my God!
How can you look at those who have actually accomplished something in their life and say we were going to vote for you but this other guy is going to do so well so we are voting for him. I think at that point I would pack up my work for others and say the heck with this, OK maybe not but I would be very unhappy!
Oh My God! There are so many people that think this man is magic even though he hasn't ever run anything, was never there to vote for most of this persons term as senator and can't make a decision to save his or anyone else life. The only thing this guy is good for is giving other peoples money away. Oh My God.

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