It is our governments job to protect the rights of the individual, yet when our government is attacked by an agenda such as we see now it is up to us as individuals to come to it's aid
We the producers worked so hard at making our future better that we let the looters and moochers walk right in. It is time to close the door on this radical leftist agenda before it is too late. We can set America straight again, but it will take each one of us to build a grassroots movement to set America back on the path to stay the shining city on the hill.
Our forefathers stepped up to make america free, our grandparents stood fought against nazism and our parents defeated the spread of communism. Now it is your turn to stand up for your rights against a socialist movement in america, you are the next great generation and that time to stand up starts now, today, here.
We occupy that shinning city our ancestors built and we do not want the lights to go out, so go today and be what is needed to make america great, stand up for freedom.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
7:37 AM
Posted by
Jimmie T.
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