Monday, November 23, 2009

Madison said it couldn't happen / Politicians are trying to prove him wrong

If this spirit shall ever be so far debased as to tolerate a law not obligatory on the legislature, as well as on the people, the people will be prepared to tolerate any thing but liberty. (James Madison)

It started decades ago, we let the elected officials become something that they were never meant to be.

We granted them a status of being something special, now our elected officials are in power and will offer you the constituents almost any program or entitlement you could want if you would just reelect them.

Worse yet they are in a contest to grant more than their opponent come election time, this of course is done with your money.

We have gotten into such an entitlement hole that you can now live cradle to grave all of someone else dollar and just so you know that someone else is you and I.

The other part of this is those who elect these people, you can see in the letters to the editors of your local paper that if you disagree with legislation to have our government give more of your money away, well then you’re just a shrill for some big business.

There was a letter in the citrus county chronicle in which the person made comments of how people who disagree with the Health care reform bill, well we are all just dopes paid by the Insurance companies.

Truth is its just people like you and I speaking out

When our leaders live at a different standard, than you and I, we are obligated as residents of this Republic to make the choice of either stand up and correct it or tolerate it and loose our liberty.

I for one say it starts with the tax dollars and saying mine is mine and moving on to going to events, meetings and if need be forming a movement. We must stop the theft of our successes, because we the people will not tolerate the loss of our liberty, no matter how our politicians try to sell it.

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