Thursday, December 17, 2009

What would Suess say about taxes

Tax, tax, tax.

Oh the taxes we will pay,

work all day and save all night because of the taxes you will pay.

Go to work to your job, oh the taxes you do pay.

Own a car, fill it up,

and speed up the taxes you do pay.

Buying food at the store, on your plate you'll be taxed some more.

Have a phone and you will see that ringing tone is taxing you and me.

Taxed to pay for things we need, taxes to pay for their political greed.

Taxed all morning and through the day, Taxed Enough Already is what we say.

Government should spend less instead of taxing more; can’t politicians stop acting like a fiscal whore?

All the money you could ever spend, tax, tax, and taxed again.

Will this spending never end, one way to stop it is with a friend.

Start at the rallies, together you must go.

To stop the tax and the spending show, our voices louder as the crowds do show.

President Obama don't you know, the conservative movement steadily grows.

What to do and where to go, to the poles don't you know.

Back to being a republic we must fly, so our country doesn't wither and die.

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