NO! NO! NO! As a parent that is the most common thing I say as a way to show my love and concern for my kids. No to Drugs, no to Drinking and Driving, basically no to foolish habits like those and even frivolous spending all of which will cause them to have a bad life. The Republicans have been called the party of No and the truth is I am ok with that, because I love my country and just like I do my kids it is time to tell our politicians NO!
No is actually the way to say YES to a better future for our children and also to help our country recover. I as the parent am not here to be my kid’s friend, it is my responsibility to be the parent and teach the difference between right and wrong. I am not here to be my elected officials’ friend; politicians have become like spoiled kids and have no clue what the word no is. It has become our job to be the parent in this situation and to teach them the lesson of right and wrong by telling those in elected office NO!
We have an electorate that is like your average teenager who will tell his or her parents how to do everything as if they are smarter than the parents.
Like a parents biggest fear of their kids getting hooked on drugs and alcohol. Our politicians are high on power and drunk with spending and have formed the bad habits of ignoring the will of the people (their parents). We need to talk to our politicians and tell them (possibly in the same way we speak to our children) that over spending is bad for you and will make everyone’s life harder.
The media has made it sound like saying no is the only thing that the conservative movement is doing. For the media who is a propaganda machine for this President, the first thing we conservatives do is say no. No to big spending increases, no to the take over of the economy by the government and no the encroachment of the government into every aspect of our daily lives. Put a stop to the deeper corruption of our government by saying no, only after the politicians learn that lesson can we say “YES”, yes to real answers that will solve this situation. And if not then we need to look to the 2010 elections and say no to those who can’t understand the destruction they are doing. Hopefully a politician will read this and say “how repetitive”, because if they do then my job is done. It is repetition that I use to drill the point home for my kids. NO! NO! NO!
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