We the Tea Party could best be described as the parents trying to get their kids in line. Let me give you an example from my past.
As a child I went into my mothers purse and stole $20.00 (yes I stole), I went to the store and bought as much candy from the store as I could and was just as pleased with myself as could be. When I got home I was in for a big surprise, mom took all the candy from me and gave it to everyone else. I was then strongly disciplined and explained how I had taken money that was for the groceries (basically I took food out of the mouth of my family), and that is the start of understanding that taking money from one person to give to another only hurts the first person.
We the Tea Party have to step in as the parents for our Government, we see they have taken our money and are spending it on things that help no one.
We the Tea Party members are here to give the verbal spanking that is needed; government is spoiled and now has to be taught a lesson. For years there hasn’t been much in the way of discipline, most of that is because people have steadily been given things by government without the slightest thought to the fact that higher taxes on anything is taking the food out of the mouths of families like mine.
Tax corporation and I have to pay more, fees paid by business’s and I have to pay more, higher taxes on the rich and my boss can’t pay me more (so much for that pay raise), tax me more and I of course will not be able to afford more for my government.
I wish I could teach that same lesson I learned as a kid to everyone in office, taking from one to give to another is taking money that is not yours. It is also time to send the big spenders to their room (home) that will teach them a lesson.
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