Monday, August 17, 2009

Doers and looters

Today we are at a crucial point in the history of man, we are at a point where looters and doers have balanced out. In the history of man life was so much more adverse, if you didn’t struggle there was a good chance that you would parish from the face of the earth. There were always the looters who made it on the backs of the doers, either because of the doers kind heart or the looters ability to manipulate facts or the situation. As civilization refined itself and the industrial age came about , the doers had more and became more altruistic. This made it easier for the survival of the looters, who also stared to more into positions of influence. Allowing for the ever increasing amounts of loot gained and for the start of generational looters. The doers had outnumbered the looters, but the looters were now able to increase in numbers. When community and family charity was taken over and nationalized to federal welfare, the looters had won a great victory and the doers out of the love of their family and community did nothing. With the technological revolution, the doers had profits and wealth, this allowed them to raise their standard of living. It also gave more ability for the looters to increase their powers, using terms like for the children they have taken money out of the mouths of the doers children. With terms like, for the elderly they have created the HMO’s that are now the cause or out struggling medical system. The looters come up with a plan to help the economy, they end up putting the brakes on capitalism and the jobs that support the doers go away. This has now brought us to the point that through fear mongering of the doers, the looters are equal in influence. The precarious state that we are in is a step towards socialism and the loss of a truly free society. But this president has made a big mistake, he forgot a main rule of the looters of the past. Steal from the doers a little at a time. We the doers are starting to awaken and become aware. We the doers in the form of the tea party movement are tired of the two parties who promise everything to get themselves elected, yet deliver nothing but entitlement program that drain the pockets of the doers and support the looters. We are sick to our stomachs when we see healthy young people fill out papers to fraudulently get welfare. The mentality of the doers is one in which we help our neighbors, the federal protects us so we can take care of our own. Our current president , along with the looters in congress are trying to make a society that is dependant on the government from cradle to grave. I say enough, if this is kept up there will be no doers and only looters and our great experiment in freedom will fail. If you believe in freedom and you’re a doers then it is time for action, regardless of party you should go and join the Tea party movement.
Because it is time for the doers to bring freedom back to the free!

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