Healthcare at the point of a gun, that is what the government is offering the American people. You see the problem starts at the point where people say healthcare is a right, a right is not something that the government can give. To provide healthcare someone must pay for it, it will be the American people through income taxes, increased fees to your insurance and the increase of taxes to corporations.
The right that people are claiming will be paid for by taking it; if you don’t want to pay it th government can force you too. They can come to you and at the point of a gun seize you assets, property or whatever they need to pay it.
In the constitution you are guaranteed the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness this is the only thing that government can guarantee. They do it by making sure that people don’t take from you or are punished for doing it.
Even in the law where is says you have the right to an attorney, they can’t make an attorney represent you. They have to pay or persuade, but that lawyer can at anytime quit or decline. So in truth it is not a right.
The biggest problem with this healthcare is that they plan on forcing you and companies to do as they see fit. If you’re a well to do person you will be forced to pay more, if you’re the owner of a business and you don’t pay for healthcare and can afford it you will be forced to pay a “penalty” and if you’re able to buy a good insurance plan your going to be charged more so that those who don’t have can benefit from you.
Last and not least you will have to pay more because, business don’t pay taxes they get money from you and pass it to the government. So even the poor people will pay more (what that wasn’t obvious), through the increase cost of products.
Healthcare from the government, the only entity that can come and take from you for others at the point of a gun.
Monday, August 17, 2009
9:43 AM
Posted by
Jimmie T.
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