Friday, October 23, 2009

Second Draft

This is my second draft of a possible speech

My name is Jimmie T Smith
I am a retired U.S. Army paratrooper
a blogger at
"and a proud supporter of the tea party movement".

As a supporter of the tea party I stand with like minded individuals to let our government know that we want our constitutionally guarenteed right to redress our greivences.
Mr President please listen to what we have to say!

As a blogger and an American Citizen I am speaking out about the abuse of power that is now rampant in our government.
as exampled by the appointment of radical individuals as czar, the bully tactics used to rush legislation through congress to be signed in to law, the double talk about a more transparent government and the bold faced lies fed to us about our taxes.

As a retired paratrooper I know that to win any fight we must have clear and consice answers and ask the right questions.

We need answers that will really solve the problems that we face today, not lip service from a president who pandered to the people to get elected.

We need answers to healthcare reform that doesn't punish many to pay for a few.

We've all heard stories about medical bills that caused people to loose their homes because of the outrageous cost of treatment.

why not create a fund that families in need could borrow from as a interest free loan to off set their medical bills, thus giving people a hand up not a hand out.

we need more doctors and nurses and other healthcare professionals, so why not redirect grant monies into the medical fields instead of funding the study of mice.(find a better example)

lets start encouraging jobs in the medical fields in high schools by introducing courses in E.M.T. And C.N.A..

We can grant automatic legal immigrant status to any highly needed medical professional from overseas.

I am not suggesting that these are the only solutions to our problems, I am just trying to encourage a mentallity of grass roots answers..

with that thought in mind why not why not establish term limits which will potentially stop the corruption by politicians who give away our tax dollars so they can stay in office. Limit Representatives to 4 terms and sentators to 3 terms.
Let the politicians know that our tax dollars are not their tax dollars. that they (politicians) can not use our money to teather their nests and continue to bribe the voters with "free government programs".
Another answer, and I'm sure a lot of you will agree with me, is give us the fair tax!

it will bring in investments and bring back jobs. it will get rid of the underground economy that allows the free loader to mooch off of our tax dollars.

Finally we as individuals need to ask the right question,
and the most important question I would like to ask is "how much of mine is mine?".
Ask that to every politician who wants more in taxes, fees and charges.
Tell all of your elected officials that we as individuals work hard for our money. We pay our bills and struggle to get ahead in life so I have to ask. "Mr. President how much of mine is mine?".

Yet politicians don't think twice about increasing current taxes and even creating new ones just so they can maintain their life styles.
Everyday we see politicians pandering to the moochers. Moochers who will elect anyone so that they can continue to get their "entitlements".

Once again I ask "how much of mine is mine?"
It's time for us to stand up against a increasingly oppresive goverment, to speak out about this abuse of power. It's time to come up with real answsers and then top it off by asking that one question that politicians avoid like the plague "how much of mine is mine?".

you've started that by showing up at these rallies now you need to take the next step.

Call the white house, our senators and all elected officials.

Tell them to stop with oppresive government tactics, end the abuse of power and give us health care reform that doesn't punish success.

Give us real represntation through term limits, and generate a thriving economy with the implimentation of the fair tax.

all these elected olfficials have heard of the tea party... now its time to hear from the tea party.

lets jam their phones, fill their e-mail and make them face reality.

The reality that says, if you don't hear us now you will hear us at the polls because "mine is mine"

thank you and God bless the tea party and God bless the united states of america.

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