Friday, October 23, 2009

Why not just quit?

That is what I want to ask each and every healthcare proffessional. 90% (in my opinion) of all medical professionals are honest and hard working people who chose to get into health care.
some chose medicine for humanitarian reasons, fasination with medicine and even the financial gains possible.
none of these are bad reasons, yet only those who want financial gains will always be attacked.
the people who get into medicine for financial reasons are quickly vilified and all to often every doctor is just as easily targeted, becuase of wealth envy or dissatisfaction.
people say that doctors make to much money, but most of these people who would say this have not went through the many years of school and intership.
Doctors don't care about the needy you say, so I say go to medical school and show them how to do it.
Not born with a silver spoon you say? Never a real good student, but if you were you would be a better doctor then whats out there now?
I say that these doctors who are often on call to help those who would hate them at all hours of the day and night. Why .do you act like the doctor is great when they are there but talk bad about them when they are not. One recent letter said "patients have a right to go to the doctor when they are in pain and shouldn't not be told unless something is wrong".
Truth is that that person wants free health care and wants the doctor to be at their call.
What a state of mind, because they have pain the doctor should be at their beck and call and further more that person doesnt want to ay for it?
oh how typical of those who want health care reform, give me now and make someone else pay for it.
I guess it is a free society only for the needy, so once again why do doctors do it.

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