I know of a young lady who has had to go to the emergency room, see a doctor, and get test done. all three different times cost her a total of $0.00 yes you read that right. it cost her nothing to be seen by the doctors and get test done. Let me explain. She is trying to go to school, and work at the same time. She earns very little and is only able to eek out enough to pay for her car, food, and other required items. She goes to the emergency room for care, regardless of the bill she will not be able to pay it. The hospital and the doctors will either eat the cost or more likely pass that cost on to us. Next she goes to the local health department and sees a doctor, the cost is once again $0.00 because she is such a low income earner, our tax dollars went to pay for her bills. (this is at least government at the lowest level taking care of its people.) There is no reason for government at the federal level to involve itself in health care, it should be done at the local level like we are doing it here. We have program after program that is being supported at the local and state level. Next we will never change the punishing cost of medical care till we have some tort reform. A doctor will send you for every test they can so that you don't end up suing them for malpractice, they will give you medicines you might not need just to keep from being sued. This will needlessly continue to run up cost care. The way to fix this is to implement a looser pays system so that those who have no case will have to pay all court and lawyer fees.
Last if you are not a legal resident or citizen you should not be allowed care, I know this seems wrong. Yet the many millions of illegal aliens who send money back to Mexico are now bringing more money into the country then they get from OIL! why is it they can bring that much money in but can't afford their own health care. Also I work at a location where there are many illegal aliens, it seems that they sure love their American cars. they drive some very nice ones, I wounder how they can afford that, but they can't afford health care. Oh I know they don't pay for their health care. It is time for the Conservative to ask for real equality and stop the government from this taking from hard working wealthy people and giving it to those who would sponge off the government.
Título del post 7 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Título del post 6 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Tax reform
I feel the fair tax is the best answer, because it simplifies the tax system. It keeps the tax cheats from the continued stealing from our country (be they rich or poor), takes away the under the table and black market economies as well as preventing the punishing of those who want to sell used goods to the less fortunate.
Education reform
The department of education is a waste, and should either be reworked to make it more supportive of the states or done away with. Vouchers should be a way to help people who have children that are truly trying to achieve, be placed in a position for success. Home schooling has been proven for the most to be a large success, with many being recognized for their intelligence. Magnet schools will keep the edge on our students, allowing for the U.S. to keep it’s competitive edge.
Governmental reform
The federal government has a redundancy issue, with so many agencies that are doing the same job as others. The waste in the governmental system will never be eliminated till we change things at the core of the problem. If a federal agency does the same job of the state then turn it into a regulatory job and revert any finances saved back into state funds.
Most favored nation status
Remove China and any other country from the most favored nation status that grants special trade privilege if they are violators of free trade, human rights or declares war on an ally.
Social Security reform
All monies collected for social security should be collected and placed in a position that is not to be touched for any reason other than Social security payments to retirees and any other programs should be paid from general funds ensuring a clear lock box for future recipients.
Stop aid to our enemies
Many countries that are receiving aid also speak out against the U.S. and often are using our money to plot against us. We give money to Palestinians as aid and it is used to build schools that teach hate of America and the Jews.
Audit every department / Agency
Every department and agency should have the ability to find the cheapest way to purchase things (like the military transitioned to, saving millions), get rid of the wasteful system of forcing departments and agencies to use any left over funds (zeroing out the account balance). This practice wastes million of dollars and is easily fixed by having the agency receive the appropriate amount of funding and putting any left over funds into a trust that can’t be used for several years (this will allow for the accrual of funds and the gain in money from interest could be used to support special projects). The permission for this usage should be granted by the boards or such that can be set up at the congressional level.
Immigration reform
The stream lining of the legal immigration process should start first at the work visas, with the punitive laws that make it cost prohibitive for business to go to other countries to hire being removed. Then make it harder for illegal aliens to simply come back into the U.S., make the deportation of illegal aliens a 3 month program so that money is lost when people come here. Stop the automatic citizenship for people who are not born of legal residence or natural born residence.
Czar reform
No future appointment of people to head government departments / agencies that are not congressionally approved. Appointment of individuals without oversight is a dangerous step to take, we must never forget that we are a representative republic that is governed by the elected not the appointed! Dismiss any one currently in this position that was appointed by any president regardless.
I think that a smoldering fire is burning for a Ronald Reagan type individual to lead the conservative party. I feel that Sara Palin will be that person, because she speaks to the people and not at them as so many politicians do. She looks like the mom at the sporting events our kids play in. She faces the challenges of an average family, yet is an active business woman and politicians. She is an example for our daughters who want to know they can have it all. People I know have made the comment they hear on TV “she’s an idiot”. Yet she helped run a small business, was appointed to an office in government and was responsible for a clean up of corruption in her state. Up until her nomination as the Vice Presidential candidate she was widely respected across the state of Alaska for her work with both political parties (until the smear campaign by the DNC). She is not as refined a speaker as some of these politicians who can sell you anything, but she will tell you what she really thinks and stand behind it. Ronald Reagan was great because of several things, one of which is that he really believed in what he said. He did not say things just to be popular; he had a long history of taking stances on important issues. He spoke to the common man about America and the American dream, just like Sara Palin does. He led his state through tough times and Sara Palin is currently leading her state during this recession. Ronald Reagan was demonized by the media and the left wing establishment and Sara Palin is dealing with the same. Yes there is a future Ronald Reagan in the conservative party and it’s Sara Palin. I just hope that we in the conservative party can help her build her strength and show her the support as she develops that next level of maturity in being the candidate for president in 2012.