The president claims that health care is a right, then you must assume that other more important things are a right and should be granted by the government.
1st Right (Food)
To survive you must have food, if Government health care is a right then food is the first of all rights as no one can survive with out food and no one should die from lack of food.
We should provide each and every family with food enough to survive , those who make a profit should be made to pay More at the cash register to support those to lazy to to earn the money to shop at the best of stores just because of the cost.
Food is also a major reason for the need for increased health care spending, so the amount we let people eat should be controlled as well as the type of food they eat!
Any and all junk food white bread and other unhealthy foods should be done away with, just think a law can be passed and no more fat people!
This would be the way for Government to ensure peoples rights to good healthy food!
2nd Right (Shelter)
There is no reason for people to be homeless, everyone should have a home of their own and no one should go broke having to pay for a house that the government can pay for. A house that is built by the government will help bring down the cost of homes because competition is good, all you have to do is increase the cost of the homes from people who can afford them to pay for the houses of the needy.
To stop homelessness you could also tax the stars, they should be made to give back the money to their rightful owners, so the homeless could live regular lives. This would also allow them to be healthier, along with providing for their first right (Food) the could again be happy people.
3rd right (Employment)
The right to have a personally rewarding job that will allow people to feel good about themselves, it doesn't matter if they can do the job as long ans they feel good about themselves.
We can make others who have jobs either give up some of their hours or take a cut in pay, that or they can even go as far as giving up their position and moving back to their roots at the bottom.
4th right (transportation)
It doesn't help to provide for the other rights if unless everyone has a means of transportation, How till they get to their work or visit their friends houses to find ways to get more government aid. That and how will people be able to drive to the convenience store for their cigarette's and beer? It should be easy to provide a car for people since the people already own a car company. (Government Motors).
Once all these rights are taken care of I think we won't have to worry about health care because who needs health care when you don't have freedom.
This is the direction the country is going and if you don't believe it then just look at Cuba, Venezuela and the Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea).
They have so many rights which even include free health care, they just don't have freedom.
Título del post 7 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Título del post 6 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
It's always safe to denounce the rich, everyone will help you. The rich first!
(from the Fountainhead by Ayn Rand)
We see an America that is being run by 60's and 70's radicals who were rich and hated the freedom of the American people, they claimed to love America while at the same time trying to break down the core of the Representative Republic. They have now gotten to a point that they have the chance to do it, it is the 60's revolution now coming to a point of victory. Will we let them? can we stop them? what must we do!
We must do the one thing that they would never think of, we must come up with clear easily defined answers to the real problems of today.
When we do that the conservative will save America and make this a great country once again.
The President has driven me to constantly think about the individual as he stands now with all this collective think (Socialism), new speak and the trickery that is trying to destroy the individual. You may say how is this President attacking the individual? His policies, from the implementation of the increase numbers of Czars to Cap and Trade and last Universal Health care are all simply just a means to disarm the individual.
Czars work as the Presidents means to destroy out founding fathers experiment of a constitutional Government that is our "Republic".
The individuals most sacred document (the Constitution of the United States) called for the Government to protect the freedoms of the individual and their freedom, freedom that set our country apart from the others.
The Czars must go to protect the form Government that stands for the individual. Cap and trade is a Marxist type of punitive tax that effects every American at every level, you will pay more to industry meet the requirements of Government Regulation.
In the Punishment that is cap and trade you the individual will see more of your dollars go so the Government can distribute your money to those they choose. This is contrary to all of our principles that we teach our kids or that we hope to see in our family and our future.
We are expected to work together so we can help each other yet you can't help an individual who doesn't want to help themselves.
this is the cap and trade goal as I see it, take from those who do and succeed and give to those who are less able.
It is a way to enslave the people who strive for success, even though actual slavery is illegal mental slavery is being advocated by our Government.
The Universal Health care plan is the last move that the Government has, to use benevolence to enslave the people who succeed and those who don't. Those who succeed will be forced to pay more ,yet still they will be called cruel and callus or full of hate if they don't want to give freely.
Like the unions who drove the corporations to bankruptcy and made them go to the Government to surrender, the Government will do the same to the individual in hope of making them join the collective and surrendering to the Government.
It will be the collective group thought with everything the individual thinks or does becoming second to what the group wants. You will not be able to have the ability to work with your doctors, it will be decided by others, it may not happen today but it will happen.
Because of the great orator in chief's skills, people will beg for their freedoms to be taken from them under the ruse of being safe and secure.
My Mantra is stay out of our homes, stay out of our pocket and stay out of our way because we are going to save America.
By this I will fight the Czars, The cap and trade and Universal health care.
Suzan Franks is a typical politician in the sense that they complain about high prices in the private sector but have no problem with out federal Government increasing (taxes) rates.
The letter to the editor (09/20/09) talked about how progress energy wants to impose a tax on it's rate payers.
Is Mrs. Franks now so against imposing a tax rate increase that she will speak out against the cap and trade? Which is on a rate increase on even the most indigent of energy consumers.
Will her organizations "Citizens for Rate Payer Rights" that is 10,000 strong, send someone to the white house to complain?
She must be aware of how the President ignores the millions of people who are speaking out against his policies of increase rates. Is she a typical politicians or will she cross party lines like so many of the others in support of the Tea Party who speak out against the cap and trade rate increase or will she only speak out against Republicans? This is your chance Mrs. Franks to prove your letter to the editor wasn't just a political hit on still another Republican and your really against rate increases. Be it Federal, State or Other. If not I say in Mrs. Franks own words "shame on you".