Recently President Obama talked to Israeli Priminister Netanyahu and the subject of the two state solutions for the Palestinians had obviously had to come up. I don’t understand why it is that the people in that country can’t live together, if the United States did that we would have to have a 7 state solution.
A state for each ethnic group.
1. Black
2. White
3. Spanish
4. Asian
5. Jewish
6. Native American
7. Any other that is not a large enough group to make the list.
Next we need to ensure that there is fairness, like the Israeli’s get from the Palestinians. Every time one of those states has an individual that they want from another territory, they will have to give up hundreds for a exchange (like the Palestinians’ prisoner swaps that the Israelis’ have to deal with).
Will the major groups have to help fund the smaller groups? Will we have other countries involved telling us how the smaller states are being oppressed even though their leaders don’t do anything to improve their status?
There are people in the United States who would probably like to have just that kind of situation, but the truth is that we are better for everyone who wants to come here and make this a better place and that is the main difference, even if we don’t agree most Americans want to make it a better place!
The point that I am trying to make is that Israel shouldn’t have to constantly be punished because the Palestinians can’t build a working relationship with the people they live with or that the leaders of the Muslim religions use them as a excuse to send their kids to die instead of find a way to make a better future.
The real solution to that problem is to make them live together and stop pandering to any one group. That is all their land and each one should just worry about how to make it better instead of how to leave the ground blood stained.
Título del post 7 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Título del post 6 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
When then presidential candidates Obama and McCain debated people listened, I noticed that when it came to government spending each talked about how they would cut spending.
McCain said we needed to take a hatchet to the budget while Obama talked about the scalpel.
We are now at the point to see the actions of the one that America chose; President Obama has asked that each department in government find a way to cut their budget.
The problem is that each department is like a patient being told to operate on themselves, with overspending, fraud, waste and abuse being the cancer that is in almost each department of government.
There is no way these department/patients can cut out the cancer, the only answer is for a surgeon to come in and do what is needed. Instead of the President (the surgeon) doing what is needed, he has helped the departments gain weight (pork projects) and become bloated. Were the scalpel to be used now it would not be able to get through the fat to cut out the cancer.
I have some suggestions, they may or may not make sense but I am willing to speak up and give my thoughts on the subject.
Make federal, state and local government share offices, land and equipment in a lend lease type of agreement. This could make sure that any equipment that is not being used by one group will be used by the other. This means that less equipment will have to be purchased and less tax dollars spent.
All federal, state and local departments that do the same thing should be pushed down to the lowest level, with the federal and state governments being an oversight.
This is just some suggestions, they might or might not work but it is up to us conservatives to show that we are the party of answers.
The problem is the government is using a scalpel that is only good enough to remove the warts, when the cancer that is government spending grows and grows.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Not too long ago there was an article in the newspaper that talked about the Republican Party being the party of “no.” What people do not understand is the conservative portion of the Republican Party is the most inclusive within the Party. We want everybody who supports and defends the Constitution and the rule law to be part our party regardless of race, religion, color, or creed. Moreover we are the party of answers.
What I want to do over next couple weeks is posit suggestions for the conservative party to give answers for fixing what is wrong with America. Subject I think are important are: taxes, healthcare, government involvement in corporate America, education, tort reform, openness in government, the environment, the Constitution, government spending, immigration, homosexuals, and the appointment of czars.
I feel that the solution for taxation is twofold:
First implement the Fair Tax. The Fair Tax will ensure big spenders pay their fair share and those who are frugal will end up paying less. It is also a way to ensure that those who are paid under the table pay their fair share too. This will incentivize investors and business to come back from overseas because we currently have one of the most punitive corporate tax rates in the world. Under the Fair Tax everyone contributes regardless of being here legally or illegally. No matter if their income is legal or illicit, when they buy any good or service whatsoever it will contribute to our tax system.
Second I feel taxes should be collected in a lump sum each month with the individual having to write a check to the government instead of an automatic deduction. This would cause the average American taxpayer to realize the huge amount of tax dollars that comes out of their paycheck each month. The government should send out lists and quantities of taxes that individuals paid the local, state, or federal government to inform the tax payer how much the government requires individuals to pay.