Oppression by charity and benevolence
Unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power; A sense of being weighed down in body or mind.
Generosity and helpfulness especially towards the needy or suffering; also :aid given to those in need.
Marked by or disposed to doing good ; organized for the purpose of doing good.
In our modern society it has gotten to be clear that our Government has started to become oppressive to those they have sworn to protect and defend. By over taxation, imposition of fees and penalties and establishment of regulation our Government stifles the pursuit of happiness by those I call the "doers", in a free society. Because of this there are many more people who lose the spirit to strive for success and happiness. The result is a need to do something about those that made a deliberate choice to put as little energy into their lives as others. In the past people like that fell by the wayside, today they are pandered to by a politician who wants the votes. They start programs of entitlement that are basically a type of government charity.
This charity is abused at so many levels, between looter classes that pass on the secrets of how to bilk the system. To the administrators who are as liable for the fraud for giving approval for entitlements to obvious looters. All in the name of being charitable to what many call the needy, when it's obvious that it is too easy to be charitable with other people’s money. We are oppressing the doers by taking from them, putting weight on them to produce and be profitable so that their success can be shared with the looters in the name of charity. To the doers our government says now that you have done well and produced a profit you will pay that to the looters who don't make profit for themselves or others. This is oppression!!! People in the government and many in the populous say, but we are in support of this because it's only being done in the name of helping others and this shows how benevolent the government is. Yet how can this government be benevolent and oppressive?
It is wrong for the government to say if you are profitable we will take your money from you and give it to those they choose.
Is this government benevolent? I say no, it is the obvious contradiction to benevolence because to take from one to give to others without the choice is oppressive. Your law abiding doer understands that, government taxes to be able maintain infrastructure as well as defend the populous. It is not even part of the equation it is part of the oldest agreement in the country. After that for the government to come and take from you to do charity to others in the name of benevolence, is oppression.
Título del post 7 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Título del post 6 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Don't forget the Tea Party in Crystal river on the 12th of September
How about instead of a government plan (call it what you want it is still run by the government), why not really fix the problem of people loosing it all because of the cost of healthcare. Establish a fund that will provide a tax free and interest free fund to loan money to people who are in a situation where they can't afford to pay for their care. They could pay it back as able, when their position in life inproves the amount would have to be increased. For those who are living alone (elderly) they could pay back their care in a asset sale after their passing. For those who can't afford any means of paying back the government, you would not provide the child tax credit.
Next there needs to be a cost reduction, Tort reform would be essential in reducing cost increases. Set a cost cap for rewards (covering current and future medical care as well as cost of living changes), any punitive fees would go in to the above stated fund.
Allow federal lands to be used by those who want to start up medical facilities in the most needy communities, this would be on a cost free basis as long as that medical facility was used for medicine (not transferable to non-medical business). For those who have disabilities and get government care, allow them to earn what they want while increasing the investigation of fraud.
Pass a law that requires insurance companies to keep any patient who has a change of status unless fraud can be proven (as an example if someone gets cancer the insurance company must keep them during and after). If a insurance company has a client who is found to have had a preexisting condition that is not grounds for dropping them, a new company must take a person with preexisting conditions at the same rate as the previous company but only if the individual left the other comany because of no fault of their own (closure of the previous company).