Since our current President has gotten into office the only thing that is really being done is remaking America in the image of what our president wants. The America that kept the world moving forward, the one that helped end oppression and freed millions. We have asked more of our people in the name of others, we have done for others that which they could not do. Now we are going to change all this and end up as a country that is oppressing our own, causing our country to slide to a lower status. This is not on accident this is intentional to bring about a more equal world, equal at the cost of our own liberties and freedoms. Paid for on our dime, through over taxation.
How much of mine is mine?
If I could just ask the president that one question, I would bring a list of taxes that I pay and then ask him to tell me, how much of mine is mine.
Leave the country as it was, if you want to help the country free the individual from the oppressive taxes and watch us succeed.
Título del post 7 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Título del post 6 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Why do we bother having a president when we are being led by a man that is spending time talking about leadership and making changes but still has done nothing but give everyone in his party what they want. Which is more of the money I make, we are working hard each day and our Nobel Prize winning president (great now his head won't fit through the doors of the white house) is willing to spend and spend because it's not his money. He is going to get a reward for the prize will he walk around and give it away, will he start a business and hire people or will do more wasteful thinks with it. I would bet that what he is going to do is simply fool hearted! A person who never ran anything is now our president and he even won an award for not doing anything. Yes indeed change we can believe in and hope, like hope for another Ronald Reagan (run Palin run).
My daughter has a new term, I think now is the time for me to use it. Oh My God, that is what she says and that is what I think when I hear that President Obama has won an award for freedom after being in office for only two weeks! What kind of award is it when you get it for your intentions or because they hated your predecessor so much that they award you just because it's not him. Oh my God!
How can you look at those who have actually accomplished something in their life and say we were going to vote for you but this other guy is going to do so well so we are voting for him. I think at that point I would pack up my work for others and say the heck with this, OK maybe not but I would be very unhappy!
Oh My God! There are so many people that think this man is magic even though he hasn't ever run anything, was never there to vote for most of this persons term as senator and can't make a decision to save his or anyone else life. The only thing this guy is good for is giving other peoples money away. Oh My God.
I have a question that will put the looters on the spot.
“How much of mine is mine”?
You talk about the need to help, yet you want to force me to help others with my paycheck. How many of these same people are helping others.
On a daily basis I work to provide a good life for my family, why you want to take the food out of my family’s mouth?
Even if I gave every extra penny I have to the supposed needy they would eventually find themselves back in the same position in life.
Children need to be taught, failure starts early and success starts even earlier.
The philosophy of striving for the brass ring should be taught, not only in the monetary sense but in the sense that being your best at what you do is of vital importance in life.
Through this your chances of having a good life improve, yet foolishness in your life will cancel out any good you do any other time.
We need to stop teaching a workers attitude and plant the seed that will take the yought of today past the point of merely showing up and working solely to pay the bills.
We must teach a ownership mentality, “Mine is Mine”.
Be proud of your values and ethic and all the rewards of a hard working and honest life.
People will tell you don’t be greedy yet they want to reach their greedy hands into your pockets, all in the name of taking from you the greedy.
The idea of using greed to fight greed, that is how they take from you by using what they are and accusing you of the same.
This makes you go on the defense and obscures your vision, this is the time when looters take from you.
“How much of Mine is Mine”!
They can’t answer that, so you who don’t want to be a endangered servant must ask this question.
If not you will be punished by an oppressive government, so don’t fall on your knees for your government stand on your own two feet and ask “how much of mine is mine”?
I would like to respond to the letter “option needed”.
Mrs. Ballan talked about how we elect legislators to represent us. She is correct, those who are against a “public option” represent my views and those who favor one are her views.
She obviously means that elected officials should only support the ideas that she chooses, this is one of the biggest problems that the left has. I as a blogger ( espouse my views all the time. I also understand that in something’s I will not get my way because our officials represent all of us. The public option though is a smoke screen for a more intrusive government. If the public option becomes that quasi-insurance that they claim, they will have a problem of collecting as much in premiums as they pay out in claims. So the government will have to pay out to fix the problem like they do with every other program. There is no such thing as a government program that is in budget, if there is please tell me.
Is the government option really what this person wants or is it an issue with companies making a profit? Gasp a profit, think of the horror of the fact that an insurance company wants to make money and pay their people, their bills and build their businesses.
Mrs. Ballan talks of people dying of lack of health care yet more people die from drinking and driving and excessive speeding, a much more controllable situation.
Oh and lets not forget that Mrs. Ballan wants health care to be a right. She should be made to work in a hospital to support that right; of course the pay will be minimal to help reduce the cost to others. I know Mrs. Ballan will have no problem cleaning bed pans in support of those rights. You see the basic problem is two fold.
1) My money is not Mrs. Ballans to help pay her medical bills, I spend it as I choose and you are not entitled to it.
2) You can not claim something as a right that you have to force someone to do, if it’s a right then the doctor has to treat you even if he doesn’t want to.
Mrs. Ballan I have 2 questions
How much of mine is mine and who do you want to force into service to support your supposed right.