There is a story in today's Chronicle, "without a paddle"
This is a story every kid needs tol read, not to feel sorry for the plight of these people but instead so our kids don't repeat it.
You see the lesson is that everyday you make the choice to be successful or to put your future in jepordy.
The story talks about two 42 year olds and a 19 year old son (of the mother) who are living in a boat.
the man is working but only brings in $200 plus after taxes and the payment child support, the other is getting $430 in unemployment. It can be imagined that the son is not bringing in any financial help, causing the mother and her boy-friend to have to spend more.
It seems that thbe individuals became unemployed a while back, her last fall and for the man it doesn't say. They have lived with others and now live in a boat.
The question to ask your kids.
Can this happen to you?
How do you budget your money to prevent this?
What kind of cost will your future have?
Who's job is it?
What would you do if you found yourself unemployed?
What do you do if you find yourself in a low paying job?
If you were bringing in $600 a month how would you get yourself out of the whole?
If you found yourself in this situation and you had a person not financially contributing what would you do?
What places could you go to get help?
My answer to them would be, this could and will likely happen to each and everyone of us.
I would make sure my needs are met first and follow that by only getting wants that don't overwork my budget.
I will show them that they will have certain bills but also they will have the annual or by-annual increase in cost for things like insurance , auto repair and medical emergancies.
Understanding that the job belongs to the business and you only occupy that slot.
If I found myself in that position I would rework my resume, go to the library to submit my resume on line(or do it at the work force center or home).
What would you do if you found yourself in a low payng job is easy, continue to put your resume out there and try to find better. Don't be happy with just getting by and be as thrifty as possible.
with as little as $600 a month I would room with anyone, I would make them glad that theyhad me as a roommatd. My goal as stated above would be to get into a better position to improve my life.
I would not support a person over 18 who doesn't work to improve their possition, that person would have to be out on their own.
I would go to the library to read the paper to find jobs as wll as knock on every door I could, if it came to feeding myself I would go to every church.
there are so many more answers and mine might not be the best, but I try and have always tried to not make the mistakes that will ruin my life. This is what we must teach our kids, think about your future everyday if you actually want to have a good one.
Título del post 7 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Título del post 6 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Friday, October 23, 2009
I would like to know, if I held up a dollar and asked a group of people who's is this dollar? Most would say yours and a few characters would joke about it being theirs, I would agree with the first assessment. It’s my dollar and I can assure you I have worked hard for that dollar. I try to be smart about my dollar by paying my bills and other needs, then I put some into savings and finally I pay (reward) myself for being good with my dollar. This is a conservative attitude when it comes to the dollar I earn and spend. A good majority of Americans are fiscal conservatives at their core, but then you have the government come in and look at that same dollar. The government doesn't see your dollar as your dollar, they see it as a means to provide services. We agree as citizens that my dollar pays for certain things, like roads, police, the fire department and military. There are even programs that are out there for times of need like food stamps (which I hear people talking about how to bilk that system all the time) that are there to help. I agree I should pay a portion of my dollar for these things, yet we are now to the point that my dollar is not going to things to help but to projects that pander. My dollar that was mine is quickly divided up into, taxes, fees and charges paid to the government. Many of my dollars go to help other governments around the world, a lot of it gets wasted right here. Now your telling me and those like me that if I have insurance it will be taxed or if I don’t have insurance I will have to pay a penalty? My dollar? Or do I work to make money for the government and they let me keep some of what I earn to make me happy so I will go out and make them more. Who’s Dollar is it? Ask how much of mine is mine!
This is my second draft of a possible speech
My name is Jimmie T Smith
I am a retired U.S. Army paratrooper
a blogger at
"and a proud supporter of the tea party movement".
As a supporter of the tea party I stand with like minded individuals to let our government know that we want our constitutionally guarenteed right to redress our greivences.
Mr President please listen to what we have to say!
As a blogger and an American Citizen I am speaking out about the abuse of power that is now rampant in our government.
as exampled by the appointment of radical individuals as czar, the bully tactics used to rush legislation through congress to be signed in to law, the double talk about a more transparent government and the bold faced lies fed to us about our taxes.
As a retired paratrooper I know that to win any fight we must have clear and consice answers and ask the right questions.
We need answers that will really solve the problems that we face today, not lip service from a president who pandered to the people to get elected.
We need answers to healthcare reform that doesn't punish many to pay for a few.
We've all heard stories about medical bills that caused people to loose their homes because of the outrageous cost of treatment.
why not create a fund that families in need could borrow from as a interest free loan to off set their medical bills, thus giving people a hand up not a hand out.
we need more doctors and nurses and other healthcare professionals, so why not redirect grant monies into the medical fields instead of funding the study of mice.(find a better example)
lets start encouraging jobs in the medical fields in high schools by introducing courses in E.M.T. And C.N.A..
We can grant automatic legal immigrant status to any highly needed medical professional from overseas.
I am not suggesting that these are the only solutions to our problems, I am just trying to encourage a mentallity of grass roots answers..
with that thought in mind why not why not establish term limits which will potentially stop the corruption by politicians who give away our tax dollars so they can stay in office. Limit Representatives to 4 terms and sentators to 3 terms.
Let the politicians know that our tax dollars are not their tax dollars. that they (politicians) can not use our money to teather their nests and continue to bribe the voters with "free government programs".
Another answer, and I'm sure a lot of you will agree with me, is give us the fair tax!
it will bring in investments and bring back jobs. it will get rid of the underground economy that allows the free loader to mooch off of our tax dollars.
Finally we as individuals need to ask the right question,
and the most important question I would like to ask is "how much of mine is mine?".
Ask that to every politician who wants more in taxes, fees and charges.
Tell all of your elected officials that we as individuals work hard for our money. We pay our bills and struggle to get ahead in life so I have to ask. "Mr. President how much of mine is mine?".
Everyday we see politicians pandering to the moochers. Moochers who will elect anyone so that they can continue to get their "entitlements".
Yet politicians don't think twice about increasing current taxes and even creating new ones just so they can maintain their life styles.
Once again I ask "how much of mine is mine?"
It's time for us to stand up against a increasingly oppresive goverment, to speak out about this abuse of power. It's time to come up with real answsers and then top it off by asking that one question that politicians avoid like the plague "how much of mine is mine?".
you've started that by showing up at these rallies now you need to take the next step.
Call the white house, our senators and all elected officials.
Tell them to stop with oppresive government tactics, end the abuse of power and give us health care reform that doesn't punish success.
Give us real represntation through term limits, and generate a thriving economy with the implimentation of the fair tax.
all these elected olfficials have heard of the tea party... now its time to hear from the tea party.
lets jam their phones, fill their e-mail and make them face reality.
The reality that says, if you don't hear us now you will hear us at the polls because "mine is mine"
thank you and God bless the tea party and God bless the united states of america.
I would like to know if I have to give more of my paycheck in the way of higher insurance premiums to help other have free or less expensive healthcare. What do the people who are getting my money have to do for this care? I work many hard long hours and because of that I pay more in taxes also. So since I have to pay more in incfreased premiums and taxes, do those who we are supporting with our effort actually have to do anything other than fill out paper work?
I understand that there are those that need help, yet there are hundreds of thousands if not millions who will bilk the system and waste my hard earned money!
They (the moochers) will get away with it because some bleeding heart will FEEL sorry for these people and try to justify the fraud. With comments like "they were just trying to make ends meet", or "what do you expect in hard times" and "they are the working poor and they deserve it." I say why do they deserve my money? My employer gives me a salary for doing something and we are giving other my money for my time and effort. Hows this for a option those who profit from my effort should allow me to go to their house for dinner, but they don't have the money you say I say yes they do have money , mine. So wheres dinner?
That is what I want to ask each and every healthcare proffessional. 90% (in my opinion) of all medical professionals are honest and hard working people who chose to get into health care.
some chose medicine for humanitarian reasons, fasination with medicine and even the financial gains possible.
none of these are bad reasons, yet only those who want financial gains will always be attacked.
the people who get into medicine for financial reasons are quickly vilified and all to often every doctor is just as easily targeted, becuase of wealth envy or dissatisfaction.
people say that doctors make to much money, but most of these people who would say this have not went through the many years of school and intership.
Doctors don't care about the needy you say, so I say go to medical school and show them how to do it.
Not born with a silver spoon you say? Never a real good student, but if you were you would be a better doctor then whats out there now?
I say that these doctors who are often on call to help those who would hate them at all hours of the day and night. Why .do you act like the doctor is great when they are there but talk bad about them when they are not. One recent letter said "patients have a right to go to the doctor when they are in pain and shouldn't not be told unless something is wrong".
Truth is that that person wants free health care and wants the doctor to be at their call.
What a state of mind, because they have pain the doctor should be at their beck and call and further more that person doesnt want to ay for it?
oh how typical of those who want health care reform, give me now and make someone else pay for it.
I guess it is a free society only for the needy, so once again why do doctors do it.