- Control
In the cash for clunkers there was a section where it would allow for the government to get access to our computers, they you have a bill being worked in the senate to give the white house the power to disconnect private sector computers from the internet. Then you here about the program they had to report people to the white house (flag@whitehouse.gov). Now you have the Government pushing your kids into service, there is a plan for Jan-March to tell your kids about the Census. They are going to get classes prior to the Census so the kids can help get out the information about it. The census is a constitutional requirement; It is in place for a good reason. It helps draw district lines and determines how many people are in the district so you can have proper representation. I just think that the government shouldn’t take advantage of our children. By being trapped in a classroom, they don’t get to see that it is not their job to work for the government. The will assume it is normal, then how much easier will it be to get them to be loyal sheep!
Our government tells you how to live your life, what foods to eat, how much you can make, how much water you can use per flush and so on. Simply put the government wants to control access to you internet, your house, your kids and you.
Our current government supported by the liberals want one thing, CONTROL!
A warning to you by the blogger,
Título del post 7 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Título del post 6 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Cash for clunkers is a huge success in that it drove many to get something from the government, that being our tax dollars. So if it is such a success why does it scare the crap out of me? Simply put if many people will flock to a government program that gives them a discount, what will they do when the government takes over healthcare and gives it away for free (at tax payer expense of course). You see the people went to the dealers and got what they thought would be a good deal, they are now finding that the money they saved will be shown as income so they will have to pay taxes on it! The dealers are still trying to get through the huge amount of paper work and many may get stiffed, but hey you went further in debt and got the car you wanted.
Here is the healthcare angle; if the government is telling us that it will cost $1.5 Trillion dollars to insure everyone do you really think that is an accurate amount, when they couldn’t even budget for a billion dollar program.
Next don’t you think the looters of the world will take advantage of the health care and run the tab up? The mentality of getting something for nothing is so pervasive in our culture that it is guaranteed that people who don’t need it will get it just to have it, this of course will make supplies and providers scarce and drive up prices.
The example of what people do when you give them a discount is a great one to show healthcare won’t work, why not get to the root of the problem? Tort reform, that changes to a looser pays system and caps on rewards. Next support better funding for the systems that are already in place like the County Health department (note I have had people give bad reviews of service provided), last start bringing criminal charges against people who knowingly are perpetrating a fraud against the Medicare, Social security or any other agency (example: false disabilities).
Monday, August 24, 2009
I have recently finished the book, Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. I have to say that it is the most profound book I have ever read! It reads like a novel based off of our current situation, yet it was written in the 40-50's. Is it that the times she wrote of then has come around again? We have those who produce, they are the ones who make things succeed. Then we have the looters who drain and abuse the ability of the producers. I have been thinking about the book ever since I read it, I have a wish to be a producer and not a looter or anything near that. My next biggest fear is that I will not have enough influence to convince my children to do the harder thing of being a producer. Can I make them aware of those out there that will drain them of their right to success? It is funny how the work of those in the past can still be so relevant.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The question i have is if government can't run cash for clunkers. HOW CAN IT RUN HEALTH CARE, there are so many things that are broken with government don't you think we should try to fix whats broken.
How is this administration going to increase the numbers of doctors to handle the increase of demand. When the government starts to push preventative medicine, it will require that each doctor handle more patients. How many minutes will it take for the doctor to say your over weight, you need to watch what you eat and exercise more. Then if you have any complaints you do have you will be rushed through so that the doctor can move on to the next patient. there isn't any real answers coming to help you, your just getting empty words. We need the cost for health care to come down, this is done by lowering the cost of liability insurance. Tort reform, in the form of a loser pays system. next for individuals who sue should get medical coverage as part of the law suit and a modest penalty to the individual to compensate for suffering.
these are answers, why is it someone as simple as myself could come up with this.