We should try to make change at the lowest level, we should talk to people about the facts of what is happening with our government. We need to join local political, social, charity and other groups and drive the grassroots by showing the people in these groups what a conservative stands for.
We need to write, call, fax and E-mail our elected officails and tell them that we are not happy with the way they are running things. We want less goverment, we want less taxations, we want less government programs that are keeping people in a form of submission or doesn't allow for individuals to succeed or fail on their own merits.
We should also get people to go to the Tea Party events, the more people who fill the streets the louder our voice the better chance we have of makind a difference.
Last we need to support those who can speak and ask those who can't to find other ways of being helpful (because even some who could get up to speak didn't do anything but chance people away).
We can make a difference. We will make a difference. We are making a difference!
Título del post 7 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Título del post 6 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Friday, July 10, 2009
I think we have to face it, with Czars, government take over of the economy, the push to have judges who are empathetic, and an ideal that we can make friends with everyone. We are screwed, we are truly to the core screwed until that leader comes out of the shadows. Some of us hope it's Palin and some of us hope it's Huckabee. But the key, is that we need someone who has the plans. who can lay out a way to make it easier to be successful and raise you family. That person will be from the grassroots, he or she will be Conservative and most of all, that individual will be an example for all to follow, just like Reagan was!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Stimulus.I read in The Chronicle the other day, it said that 8.1 million dollars of the Stimulus will be used here in Citrus County. At first I thought that well, even though I am against the Stimulus. I am at least glad that it is being spent in our local community. Then I saw what I assumed to be illegal aliens doing work on the side of the road.
It made me think that the government's bailout is just covering up a problem and will only marginally help. Next I wondered who is going to get that money? It seems that the American people have just not thought about it, that the stimulus is supposed to help Americans. Yet if the majority of the work force on the roads are illegal aliens, (my belief) who will get the profits? Will the millions in stimulus now be the stimulus that goes to help Mexico?
Resurfacing the roads is a good metaphor for this situation in that the government is just putting a nice coating over the real problem. The government made it so that everyone could get a house, sending the home builders into over drive. Then the people bought more home then they truly could afford. The economy crashed causing the government to come in and take our money so they could spend it on programs that don’t really help. We don’t need a stimulus or a second stimulus; we need a change of government. We need to get government out of our homes, out of our pockets and out of our way, because the real stimulus will come from us the average American citizen. Something you can’t pave over!
Stimulus packet number two on the way? It has been in the news lately that there are people who work for the President that are suggesting the first stimulus didn't have enough money in it and we should have a second. Are you kidding me? There is so much fraud, waste and abuse, it makes the hundred dollar hammer of the 80's seem like chump change. When will the Government realize that you can't spend your way out of trouble, you need to correct the corruption that was inspired by the likes of Reid, Pelosi, Frank and all the others who ignored Fanny and Freddy. Time to stop believing the people who promise everything and give nothing and leave you wanting something, Fred Thompson didn't want the job and offered nothing. Now that was the guy I wanted, he wanted to fix the problem not add things to the programs!
Join the Tea Party Movement. Write someone (friends, family, the local papers, and your politicians) and tell them to stop the stimulus pay offs and pandering to those who just want "free" stuff from the government.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
People have said that the media doesn't pay us (the Tea Party Movement) any attention, that we don't have a message. I have a message for all politicians, that message is Mr. President. Stay out of our Homes, out of our pockets and out of our way! We will save America. Just a thought.
p.s. I hate when I write things late at night and find out in the morning I misspelled something.
I am currently reading a book, it is Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. It is a book that was right for it's time (1950's) and seems to once again be the right book to read to understand what is going on. I know the book asks who is John Galt, I havent gotten to that point yet I just hope that my daughter can be the Dagny Taggert of our day! I have been asked to do another speech for the next Tea Party Movement, I would like suggestions for what is the highest priority.
Jimmie T.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I enjoyed the Tea Party this past saturday and want to take a moment to say thanks! A movement that is run by the people and for the people is not easy to run and I want to thank Edna Mattos first of all. Edna is the local driving force behind this movement and spends many hours of selfless effort in making this happen. People like Edna prove it is the Everyday citizens who are what make america great.Second a and individual who wa afforded the chance to speak I want to thank those who also got up to speak, I know it was not easy to get up there and I am glad I was not the only one. Next I want to thank the nearly 1000 people who showed up for the event on a very hot sunny Florida day. You are the ones who are making this morement great and you are the reason we will be successful. Last and just as improtant I want to give a very personal and loving thanks to my wife, twin, family and firends. your support has made it possible for me to get out in front of people and say what I hope is what we think is important.
Thank you so very much to each and everyone who helped orginize this event, who spoke, who stood and watched and who supported those who support the movement.