Saturday, July 25, 2009

A thought from my twin

What are the real questions of the cost of health insurance? Why does the government not ask them? Perhaps it’s because of the government’s ties to medical unions (pandering to them for votes) or the fact that the government is part of the problem!
Medical costs are ridiculous, the price you pay for a meal in a hospital is higher than you’d pay in a three star restaurant, a bandage costing so much more than what you’d pay at Wal-mart, of course you’re also paying for the person who puts it on, not to mention obscene malpractice insurance cost. These things are part of the cost that you pay when you get insurance. Another price you pay when you get insurance is the difference of what the hospital charges and what the hospital receive in government compensation for Medicare and Medicaid recipients.
In the retail business they tell of how the cost for products we buy is higher due to theft. This is a proven fact! You might say how does that even compare to the medical industry? Well if the government is only paying eighty five percent of the cost (or in the case of Medicare, eighty five percent of what they pay for Medicaid, that’s, eighty five percent of eighty five percent), someone has to pay the difference! It’s you and me, or any company you might work for that has an insurance plan.
The government hasn’t even addressed these points. Perhaps they are afraid that we’ll get upset about having to carry the Medicare and Medicaid recipients, not just with our taxes. Perhaps we’ll start asking the right questions like, what really are the costs to us in our search for less expensive insurance. Probably not! Really!

Friday, July 24, 2009

The return of harry and louise

Harry & Louise are back, but this time they are for healthcare. Maybe you didn’t get to see the commercials in the 90’s. You see back then they spoke out against healthcare.
Oh what could the reason be for this change of heart, please tell us about this epiphany you had so we can all be enlightened. Why is it you are working against doctors, what about tort reform to get rid of the overwhelming issue of frivolous law suits. Or address the waste and abuse that is already in the medical system. Unlike Harry and Louise, I am still against the principle of universal healthcare (regardless of house you name it). While in the military I saw people claiming physical and mental ailments when they had none, this was done to get them out of work. On the civilian side I know of people who are collecting money from the government because of disabilities. Some do hard work but are only allowed to earn so much so they work part time. Others get paid off the books so they can get a pay check and government check, others do nothing and just get the government check. Imagine what an already overwhelmed medical system will do, someone comes in with a complaint there is a good chance that the doctor will simply give the person what they want so they can go onto the next patient. That person will then take the doctors papers to claim disability and get on the government dole.
This is the truth of government healthcare, fraud at every level. Some medical people will bill for services and medications they didn’t provide. There will be administrators who will spend money on expensive office equipment and travel on taxpayers dollars. This is not what every doctor does but this does happen all the time and will only get worse the more government gets involved. So what was it exactly that changed the mind of Harry and Louise?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Age of Aquarius

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius............ Harmony and understanding............. Sympathy and trust abounding............. No more falsehoods or derisions................. Golden living dreams of visions............ Mystic crystal revelation.............. And the mind's true liberation.......... wow, thats so cool man. it's the spirit of the 60's man, thats what we have in office. They are going to set the world straight, take from all the evil rich and and share the love with everyone. Everyone should have everything, don't worry about fixing things because the government is in the hands of those who just want everyone to love each other. Don't know what I am talking about, just go to youtube and look at the clip from the movie Hair and the Aquarius portion. Those are the people we have in office, the people who want us to go to work and build our economy and be good stuarts of our country. But don't succeed to much, then they will have to make you share the love. Whether you like it or not. You see these peace loving people now have the power of the government to set things straight. They know the peoples will and how to make things right in the world, they have been working towards it since they came aware in the 60's. You see once everyone has given everything to the government then we can all be free! Every dream out of the 60's is about to be realized, freedom man as only the government can give it.