The problem that now stands in front of the conservative governor's is that they must produce a state government that creates an atmosphere that will support the small businessman, cut the spending in their states and streamline ( cut ) unneeded agencies. If they do not do this the state will go back to being democratic led because the people in the states (VA and NJ) want someone who will have the answers.
We the residence of the state of Florida had a good Governor in Jeb Bush, keeping spending low was important but holding the state legislatures feet to the fire was the thing that he did best. We now have a Governor who just wants to be popular (or so it would seem) and doesn't cut enough out of the budget, yes we will make it through the hard times but we need to cut more and plan for worse times to come whether they do or not.
Título del post 7 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Título del post 6 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I am watching the news and I wonder is the elections in Virginia, New Jersey and New York a indicator of things to come? I say that they can be if the people are true to the conservative mentality, spend less, spend wisely and fight fraud! If the elected officials who won on the agenda of the conservative values do this it will lead to a new chance for America to emerge as a world leader of freedom. If the People who have won these elections move to the center or the left of the political spectrum it will strengthen his chances of being reelected and give another push of this country to the socialist agenda.
If those elected run a conservative government and we the people stand by our conservative values along with asking "how much of mine is mine" we will in the long run turn back from the political cliff that we face now.
Go out and support the conservative values of less taxes, less spending and less government. Last but not least when you cash or deposit your pay check think "mine is mine".
Monday, November 2, 2009
3 Million jobs lost since President was elected a year ago and they claim to have created or saved 650,000 jobs. That means that 1,450,000 jobs have been lost under president Obama with help from the stimulus plan that was rushed through.
And they make it sound like they have a good thing in what the stimulus plan has done so far. Of course those who are out of work look at it a little different.
Now the simple math won’t be pointed out by the media, nor will the fact that we were not supposed to go past 8% unemployment and the president now says he expects unemployment to pass the 10% (he was on the TV today nearly pleading for someone to come up with a plan).
This math (of saved or created jobs) is coming from a man who never led or ran a business, but his party and others expected he would lead us out of this hard times?
He is completely dependent on radical left wing organizations’ to think for him.
Here is the thing that we need to understand; the president has no clue that the Government doesn’t create jobs other than government jobs, so why did those who supported this kind of change think that he was the answer?
People feared the future and the hard times that would come, so when they had a speaker who was able to convince them that he had the answer they chose him without proof.
Instead of a leader who says, we as Americans need to come up with ways to get through the down cycle, we got a leader that thinks the American people can’t and only the government can.
We also need to look at the double speak that is happening now, with the term jobs created and saved. The government stimulus only advanced some jobs that will go away once the money does. Next I’d like to know exactly what jobs it was the government saved? Not an estimate or an example of what they would be but a hard fact of this job was saved!
Don’t be tricked by the smooth talking double speak that this president spews, the natural cycle will move jobs, change jobs and create jobs. It always had and always will.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
I am sitting here watching C-span (don't laugh I happen to stop there), and I am watching how a congresswoman from NY is pushing in her questioning to get the pay Czar to agree that we should do things like set the way we do pay and compensations for business that are under the federal governments thumb, like those of europe. or how the government can push to get things changed in contracts even if they are legal and binding. Like pushing to have contracts regarding pay renigotiated.
This is all of what is wrong, we should have not forced the companies to deal with freddy mac and fanny mae. Because of that the banks had to make loans they normally would not have. then when they failed because of government regulation we want to say those who failed should have their pay managed. Government fails all the time yet not one congressman has lost his or her pay. Our federal government is reaching into things it never should have in the first place, they are the reason for the housing failure and the bank failures. now they think they can fix it by getting more involved. How scary is that!