How much of your money is your money and how much of my money is my money? That is a question I had in mind when my twin was talking to our niece, we actually only posed to her the how much of your money is your money part. Yet that was enough to stop her in her tracks when she was talking about our president and what he wanted to do.
Milton Friedman brought up the fact that people don’t spend other people’s money very well, this I think is the core of why the Tea Party movement is building. When we see that our government is wasting billions and wants to start a new program that will insure that hundreds of billions is wasted. The same government that is currently loosing billions in the post office, Amtrak, social security, Medicare/Medicaid, veterans administration and so on. You see you are being pandered to in that the president is saying we are going to make the rich pay more and the savings from other programs is how we will pay for things. First is the falsehood that your taxes were lowered. Do you smoke? Your taxes went up. Do you eat? Your food cost went up. Do you have a house? Your power bill will go up with cap and trade. Yet you’re being told that only the rich will pay more. The only way that the rich pay more is through a increase in income tax, yet when you look at the percentage of the bill it come to you paying a higher percentage than the rich. I say don’t charge anyone more in taxes, find ways to cut the budget. Why do we come up with more programs when we have yet to have a successful one to date?
How much of your money is your money, well you will say it’s all mine. The truth is it doesn’t matter what you say, the government will tell you how much is yours and they even have a czar now to tell you how much you can earn if the government thinks it’s to much. How much of your money is your money? Just ask the government.
Título del post 7 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Título del post 6 de abril, 2009 por Iván.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
7:17 PM
Posted by
Jimmie T.