Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Listening tour? what the heck!

Listen, over 50 million of us voted for the Republican Party. Most of us did so because of Palin and her traditional values!

Listen the people who changed sides and voted Obama were mad at the Republican Party for screwing up (not following conservative values) and wanted “change”.

Listen stop coming up with candidates who are as corrupt as the Democratic party and will pander to each special interest group.

Listen, explain that we don’t see minorities as a color and they shouldn’t waste time punishing the Republican Party for things the Democrats claim we did. Even though we were the ones who made the push for civil rights, were part of the north’s fight to end slavery, and were those who put all men created equal in the constitution!

Listen stop trying to give away more than the Democratic Party! Show that we want to save money just like the average citizens!

Listen, grow a spine!

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Rick Hewett said...
May 13, 2009 at 4:55 PM  

In my opinion, the Republican Party does not need to become “more inclusive” to grow our party membership. Instead, we need representatives that speak and act conservatively. It is imperative that we go back to our traditional values: smaller federal government, less taxes, more individual and state’s rights, and more freedoms, a strong economy and a strong national defense. A strong central government and central economic planning is not the answer. We must oppose those that would send us towards progressive socialism and elect candidates that represent conservative values. Conservative action, not lip service, will grow our party numbers.

Anonymous said...
May 13, 2009 at 9:04 PM  

The question is where do we find or better yet how do we develop young hard working conservatives to step into the limelight of politics where your an automatic target. The average American has the core values of the Conservative movement. But when they are demagauged by the media and baited as hateful all their time is spent defending what should not need to be defended and they are demoralized and end up not having the desire to stand their ground and work to keep our strong past and move us forward as a constitutional representative republic.

Jamie said...
May 14, 2009 at 5:09 PM  

Building a good conservative base starts at the check out counter, the little restaurant where you talk to total strangers, the little league game when you’re chatting about nothing in general, the whole social interaction of every day life. The example you set for your children.

Politically speaking you bring to light, to those with subtle interest, those of solid value. More people were interested in the values of Governor Palin then in her political philosophies. We need leaders who espouse a belief in personal responsibility, as well as living a life, that portrays these beliefs

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