Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A new Cash for Clunkers program

Taxed to give to others.
$8000.00 for people buying houses, $4500.00 for those who turn in their cars for clunkers.
Program after program is coming out of this Obama administration and their answer is that the rich are going to be taxed to pay for it all. Yet with the increase in cigarette taxes and the increase of the daily cost of living going up, with the proposed cap and trade it isn’t just the so called rich that are going to pay for all these new and pork barrel programs.
Individuals who smoke tend not to be rich and each and every one of us will pay for this increase , but the Democratic party will convince millions that this is a good thing and the will of the people. We ignore that medicare is going bankrupt as is Social security, they have used a slight of hand trick to blind you of the current failings of government.
Let’s face it they think the average person is dumb (lacking intelligence or good judgment; stupid; dull-witted), they think they are the only ones who will come up with the answers. But what they don’t know is that it will be the average citizens who will throw off the blinders and take the government back.

You see it in the fact that people are angry that the government is taking our hard earned dollars and giving it to others so that they can save on a car, if you want me to spend money on something all you have to do is stop taxing us so much. We will spend our money when we actually have it to spend.

$16,000.00 plus I paid in taxes and all that money could have been used by me to buy the things I NEED and provide a safe home life for my kids, yet the government takes it and hands my hard earned money to others to get cars. What did I get?
I think we need a new cash for clunkers, how much will I get on a trade in for my current money hog of a government.

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