Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tired of politicians who pander, what about answer. Here is an example.

The problem with politics is that it gets in the way of our lives, they make laws that not needed or useful. The example is the fight about Gay marriage, this being on one side a fight against people specifically calling the union between man and woman marriage.

The other saying it is bigoted and that two people should be able to be together and have the same rights and be able to share things like work benefits (insurance) with their respective partners.

Here is what I call an easy answer, make a law that says any two individuals living in a mutually supporting relationship under the same house will upon signing a contract of mutual support be granted all or any benefits and rights allowed by those of a man and woman in marriage.

This would allow two elderly people who want to co-exist, be able use the insurance benefits without the requirements of a sexual relationship. By signing this contract it would require the two individuals to live under the same roof like a man and a woman so as to prevent the corruption of the system. Further it should be stated in the law that this contract can’t be cancel without six month notice intent of cancelation.

This is an example of the individual pointing out that we don’t want a wasteful argument as we have had in the past, we want real answers and real solutions. Either that or get out of our government, we don’t have time for politicians who pander.

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