Saturday, January 9, 2010

A bad shift.

The war has begun to shift from America being hated because we are standing up for ourselves while actually being proactive in killing or defeating the Terrorist around the world. To one of being scoffed at for our apologetic attitude and losing the war by turning the war into a law enforcement problem.

You see the CIA has in the past, been neutered by people in the Democratic Party who wanted us to not deal with criminals and recently by taking actions against our own agents because they interrogated enemy combatants (who by law could have been shot on the spot).

People are complaining that there has been a major error in not catching the Christmas bomber, the failure is being laid at the feet of the intelligence services as a way to detract from the truth. The truth is that we have chosen a president that doesn’t see the war on radical Islamic terrorist as what it is, a global war of domination in the name of a religion.

Instead he sees it as an image problem and one in which we can sit with our friends and talk the situation over, many thought that after the president went on Al Jazera and to the middle east we would see less of an effort to attack and kill Americans (boy were we wrong).

After 9/11 and the decision to actually fight the war as a war and as a covert action was made and in that people realized that we seriously lacked in the fields of human intelligence around the world.

The CIA made a huge push to get people on staff that are highly educated (college is a must), and young. They now have the problem of these young, inexperienced groups of people, agents that are pushed to have results in numbers not in quality. The field officers are station chiefs at each and every embassy, it is guaranteed that one of them were in the room when this Christmas bombers.

But because of our president’s attitude, do you think that there was a great amount of drive to get this information where it needed; instead it was most likely just getting the information in a already overloaded system.

Not only was the system overloaded with info but could you imagine that the person dealing with this guys father actually making a push to get him (the bomber) picked up by the feds and then find out that the father was wrong?

Because of his lack of experience and the president’s attitude his life as a CIA agent would be over, he would have been sent packing and worse yet he would have been called a Republican.

We need to get back to fighting the war on terror, focus on the DOD model of action and quality over quantity. Stand behind our men in the intelligence services and maybe just maybe we still have a chance to do a Patraeus / McCrystal surge to victory.

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