Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Support a Conservative, support Rubio

The Associated press article says, “Obama talks jobs in Ohio” and my guess is that he is now talking jobs because of the fact that those like the Tea Party movement and other like the 9/12 project have driven home the message. That we are not happy with our government and how it is over taxing us in both dollars and the way it is creeping into our lives.

You see this was not Sen. Elect Brown sending a message and it was not just those of us in the Republican Party, it was with out doubt the people who understand that we can not expect more government spending to get us out of this economic down turn.

The President is a great orator, yet he is tone deaf to the people and sits in his group of liberal elitist who dictate what we the people should do to make everything better. If we the flyover, country bumpkin, Pick up truck driving, menial labor doing people would just do things like them then the world would be better.

The president ran on the fact that he was going to come in and fix things yet the only thing he did was push forward the agenda of the elitist, with social program after social program. The President would be un-touchable if he would have come in and actually worked on fixing the economy instead of saying that everything was a priority or claiming that more spending would fix it. The movement behind Sen. elect Brown is going to determine the 2010 elections, we will get the message through. The problem that I foresee is that we may end up with some of the same thing we have always had, people who will say anything to get elected and then go to Washington to be part of the same old problem. Crist is a Republican and I am glad to have him in the party, yet I feel that Marco Rubio is a Conservative Republican who understands that less government is more people. That is why I support Marco Rubio for Senate.

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