Sunday, May 24, 2009

Conservative answers

Not too long ago there was an article in the newspaper that talked about the Republican Party being the party of “no.” What people do not understand is the conservative portion of the Republican Party is the most inclusive within the Party. We want everybody who supports and defends the Constitution and the rule law to be part our party regardless of race, religion, color, or creed. Moreover we are the party of answers.
What I want to do over next couple weeks is posit suggestions for the conservative party to give answers for fixing what is wrong with America. Subject I think are important are: taxes, healthcare, government involvement in corporate America, education, tort reform, openness in government, the environment, the Constitution, government spending, immigration, homosexuals, and the appointment of czars.
I feel that the solution for taxation is twofold:
First implement the Fair Tax. The Fair Tax will ensure big spenders pay their fair share and those who are frugal will end up paying less. It is also a way to ensure that those who are paid under the table pay their fair share too. This will incentivize investors and business to come back from overseas because we currently have one of the most punitive corporate tax rates in the world. Under the Fair Tax everyone contributes regardless of being here legally or illegally. No matter if their income is legal or illicit, when they buy any good or service whatsoever it will contribute to our tax system.
Second I feel taxes should be collected in a lump sum each month with the individual having to write a check to the government instead of an automatic deduction. This would cause the average American taxpayer to realize the huge amount of tax dollars that comes out of their paycheck each month. The government should send out lists and quantities of taxes that individuals paid the local, state, or federal government to inform the tax payer how much the government requires individuals to pay.

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