Thursday, May 28, 2009

Using scalpels on warts as the cancer grows.

When then presidential candidates Obama and McCain debated people listened, I noticed that when it came to government spending each talked about how they would cut spending.
McCain said we needed to take a hatchet to the budget while Obama talked about the scalpel.
We are now at the point to see the actions of the one that America chose; President Obama has asked that each department in government find a way to cut their budget.
The problem is that each department is like a patient being told to operate on themselves, with overspending, fraud, waste and abuse being the cancer that is in almost each department of government.
There is no way these department/patients can cut out the cancer, the only answer is for a surgeon to come in and do what is needed. Instead of the President (the surgeon) doing what is needed, he has helped the departments gain weight (pork projects) and become bloated. Were the scalpel to be used now it would not be able to get through the fat to cut out the cancer.
I have some suggestions, they may or may not make sense but I am willing to speak up and give my thoughts on the subject.
Make federal, state and local government share offices, land and equipment in a lend lease type of agreement. This could make sure that any equipment that is not being used by one group will be used by the other. This means that less equipment will have to be purchased and less tax dollars spent.
All federal, state and local departments that do the same thing should be pushed down to the lowest level, with the federal and state governments being an oversight.
This is just some suggestions, they might or might not work but it is up to us conservatives to show that we are the party of answers.
The problem is the government is using a scalpel that is only good enough to remove the warts, when the cancer that is government spending grows and grows.

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