Wednesday, June 3, 2009

President of Midiocrity = the Mediocre President

“Many of you have been taught to chase after the usual brass rings: being on this “who’s who” list or that top 100 list; how much money and how big your corner office is; whether you have a fancy enough title or a nice enough car. –Let me suggest that such an approach won’t get you where you want to go.”
This speech by our President, screams of mediocrity! Don’t risk all for success and don’t enjoy the rewards, sit back and be complacent with what you have. If you don’t risk it all then things will be great because you can’t loose it all.
That is not what made America great, America was made great when explorers risked it all to seek new riches from foreign lands, if not for them America would not be great.
America was made great when a minority of people spoke out against taxation without representation; if not for those who wanted to keep their hard earned money America would not be great.
Henry Ford striving for success and riches, never let failure stop him and pushed America into continued greatness.
If Clarence Birdseye hadn’t wanted to get rich in the food industry we would not have frozen foods that helped feed our troops in war and our average household, helping feed America made us great.
Had Microsoft founder Bill Gates not wanted riches and success, we would not have the computers that make everyday business in America great.
Had there not been those who reached for the brass ring of success and challenge we would never have gotten to the moon, a second place would not keep America great.
If Reagan had not been willing to risk political capital to face down the Soviets, he would not have become one of modern day greatest leaders, we would still have a very powerful communist Russia. Would America be great?
America is a country where we strive for a better life for ourselves and our children and mediocrity will not get us there and I am afraid that our President will get us no where.

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