Friday, August 28, 2009

The government will control you, your kids will help!

  • Control
    In the cash for clunkers there was a section where it would allow for the government to get access to our computers, they you have a bill being worked in the senate to give the white house the power to disconnect private sector computers from the internet. Then you here about the program they had to report people to the white house ( Now you have the Government pushing your kids into service, there is a plan for Jan-March to tell your kids about the Census. They are going to get classes prior to the Census so the kids can help get out the information about it. The census is a constitutional requirement; It is in place for a good reason. It helps draw district lines and determines how many people are in the district so you can have proper representation. I just think that the government shouldn’t take advantage of our children. By being trapped in a classroom, they don’t get to see that it is not their job to work for the government. The will assume it is normal, then how much easier will it be to get them to be loyal sheep!
    Our government tells you how to live your life, what foods to eat, how much you can make, how much water you can use per flush and so on. Simply put the government wants to control access to you internet, your house, your kids and you.
    Our current government supported by the liberals want one thing, CONTROL!
    A warning to you by the blogger,

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Anonymous said...
August 31, 2009 at 11:09 AM  

one more way to ruin our kids.bad enough the schools exspect us to supply the looters kids with paper and pencils

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