Sunday, August 23, 2009

How is this administration going to increase the numbers of doctors to handle the increase of demand. When the government starts to push preventative medicine, it will require that each doctor handle more patients. How many minutes will it take for the doctor to say your over weight, you need to watch what you eat and exercise more. Then if you have any complaints you do have you will be rushed through so that the doctor can move on to the next patient. there isn't any real answers coming to help you, your just getting empty words. We need the cost for health care to come down, this is done by lowering the cost of liability insurance. Tort reform, in the form of a loser pays system. next for individuals who sue should get medical coverage as part of the law suit and a modest penalty to the individual to compensate for suffering.
these are answers, why is it someone as simple as myself could come up with this.

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