Friday, October 9, 2009

Remaking America in the image of our leader

Since our current President has gotten into office the only thing that is really being done is remaking America in the image of what our president wants. The America that kept the world moving forward, the one that helped end oppression and freed millions. We have asked more of our people in the name of others, we have done for others that which they could not do. Now we are going to change all this and end up as a country that is oppressing our own, causing our country to slide to a lower status. This is not on accident this is intentional to bring about a more equal world, equal at the cost of our own liberties and freedoms. Paid for on our dime, through over taxation.
How much of mine is mine?
If I could just ask the president that one question, I would bring a list of taxes that I pay and then ask him to tell me, how much of mine is mine.
Leave the country as it was, if you want to help the country free the individual from the oppressive taxes and watch us succeed.

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