Friday, October 9, 2009


I would like to respond to the letter “option needed”.
Mrs. Ballan talked about how we elect legislators to represent us. She is correct, those who are against a “public option” represent my views and those who favor one are her views.
She obviously means that elected officials should only support the ideas that she chooses, this is one of the biggest problems that the left has. I as a blogger ( espouse my views all the time. I also understand that in something’s I will not get my way because our officials represent all of us. The public option though is a smoke screen for a more intrusive government. If the public option becomes that quasi-insurance that they claim, they will have a problem of collecting as much in premiums as they pay out in claims. So the government will have to pay out to fix the problem like they do with every other program. There is no such thing as a government program that is in budget, if there is please tell me.
Is the government option really what this person wants or is it an issue with companies making a profit? Gasp a profit, think of the horror of the fact that an insurance company wants to make money and pay their people, their bills and build their businesses.
Mrs. Ballan talks of people dying of lack of health care yet more people die from drinking and driving and excessive speeding, a much more controllable situation.
Oh and lets not forget that Mrs. Ballan wants health care to be a right. She should be made to work in a hospital to support that right; of course the pay will be minimal to help reduce the cost to others. I know Mrs. Ballan will have no problem cleaning bed pans in support of those rights. You see the basic problem is two fold.
1) My money is not Mrs. Ballans to help pay her medical bills, I spend it as I choose and you are not entitled to it.
2) You can not claim something as a right that you have to force someone to do, if it’s a right then the doctor has to treat you even if he doesn’t want to.
Mrs. Ballan I have 2 questions
How much of mine is mine and who do you want to force into service to support your supposed right.

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