Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Being America's Mom and Dad

We the Tea Party could best be described as the parents trying to get their kids in line. Let me give you an example from my past.

As a child I went into my mothers purse and stole $20.00 (yes I stole), I went to the store and bought as much candy from the store as I could and was just as pleased with myself as could be. When I got home I was in for a big surprise, mom took all the candy from me and gave it to everyone else. I was then strongly disciplined and explained how I had taken money that was for the groceries (basically I took food out of the mouth of my family), and that is the start of understanding that taking money from one person to give to another only hurts the first person.

We the Tea Party have to step in as the parents for our Government, we see they have taken our money and are spending it on things that help no one.

We the Tea Party members are here to give the verbal spanking that is needed; government is spoiled and now has to be taught a lesson. For years there hasn’t been much in the way of discipline, most of that is because people have steadily been given things by government without the slightest thought to the fact that higher taxes on anything is taking the food out of the mouths of families like mine.

Tax corporation and I have to pay more, fees paid by business’s and I have to pay more, higher taxes on the rich and my boss can’t pay me more (so much for that pay raise), tax me more and I of course will not be able to afford more for my government.

I wish I could teach that same lesson I learned as a kid to everyone in office, taking from one to give to another is taking money that is not yours. It is also time to send the big spenders to their room (home) that will teach them a lesson.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What next

I read the Chronicles description of the Tea Party (16 Jan 2010) and noticed that they missed the reason for people being there. The 1,200 to 1,500 people did come to hear people like Marco Rubio and I speak, yet it was not because Rubio was running as much as the fact that people are stepping up to say what is going on in Washington is wrong and we are speaking out against it. It also is about people coming up with an answer of how to fix it. During my speech I brought up Term Limits, this was the loudest applause that I got. I have no doubt that the reason for this is that the people of America do not trust their government and are starting to say that regardless of party we need a fix, that more spending is not the answer. The people want those who in the past, have gotten us into it this situation need to get out of the way. We want someone to come in and fix it, someone who is not there for themselves.

The second biggest applause that I got was for the strong emphasis on the Fair Tax, people simply want a tax system that doesn’t punish success or give away their hard earned money to those who mooch.

We are glad that the people running for office came to speak but the media and all politicians need to know that the truth is that we want our freedom and our money to stay the same way that it was meant to be when the founders established this country.

The next fact that was missed was those in the tea party need to get out into the crowd and talk to the people, which is what I did. I found out that, people want to be more organized and get better educated. The Tea Party needs to make plans for what’s next; even if we get our people in office can we fix it. That is what we who spoke at the Tea Party need to answer! What next?

Support a Conservative, support Rubio

The Associated press article says, “Obama talks jobs in Ohio” and my guess is that he is now talking jobs because of the fact that those like the Tea Party movement and other like the 9/12 project have driven home the message. That we are not happy with our government and how it is over taxing us in both dollars and the way it is creeping into our lives.

You see this was not Sen. Elect Brown sending a message and it was not just those of us in the Republican Party, it was with out doubt the people who understand that we can not expect more government spending to get us out of this economic down turn.

The President is a great orator, yet he is tone deaf to the people and sits in his group of liberal elitist who dictate what we the people should do to make everything better. If we the flyover, country bumpkin, Pick up truck driving, menial labor doing people would just do things like them then the world would be better.

The president ran on the fact that he was going to come in and fix things yet the only thing he did was push forward the agenda of the elitist, with social program after social program. The President would be un-touchable if he would have come in and actually worked on fixing the economy instead of saying that everything was a priority or claiming that more spending would fix it. The movement behind Sen. elect Brown is going to determine the 2010 elections, we will get the message through. The problem that I foresee is that we may end up with some of the same thing we have always had, people who will say anything to get elected and then go to Washington to be part of the same old problem. Crist is a Republican and I am glad to have him in the party, yet I feel that Marco Rubio is a Conservative Republican who understands that less government is more people. That is why I support Marco Rubio for Senate.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tea Party a success

The Citrus County Tea Party was a resounding success, it got grass roots individuals out front and allowed by applause and a few less then positive responses let people know that they are not willing to put up with how things are. it was once again a very polite group but it also was so evadent it is time for answers, not just platitued or pandering. We need to start that next step of where to go, this Tea Party is slowly coming to it's end and the people are looking for what is next.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A bad shift.

The war has begun to shift from America being hated because we are standing up for ourselves while actually being proactive in killing or defeating the Terrorist around the world. To one of being scoffed at for our apologetic attitude and losing the war by turning the war into a law enforcement problem.

You see the CIA has in the past, been neutered by people in the Democratic Party who wanted us to not deal with criminals and recently by taking actions against our own agents because they interrogated enemy combatants (who by law could have been shot on the spot).

People are complaining that there has been a major error in not catching the Christmas bomber, the failure is being laid at the feet of the intelligence services as a way to detract from the truth. The truth is that we have chosen a president that doesn’t see the war on radical Islamic terrorist as what it is, a global war of domination in the name of a religion.

Instead he sees it as an image problem and one in which we can sit with our friends and talk the situation over, many thought that after the president went on Al Jazera and to the middle east we would see less of an effort to attack and kill Americans (boy were we wrong).

After 9/11 and the decision to actually fight the war as a war and as a covert action was made and in that people realized that we seriously lacked in the fields of human intelligence around the world.

The CIA made a huge push to get people on staff that are highly educated (college is a must), and young. They now have the problem of these young, inexperienced groups of people, agents that are pushed to have results in numbers not in quality. The field officers are station chiefs at each and every embassy, it is guaranteed that one of them were in the room when this Christmas bombers.

But because of our president’s attitude, do you think that there was a great amount of drive to get this information where it needed; instead it was most likely just getting the information in a already overloaded system.

Not only was the system overloaded with info but could you imagine that the person dealing with this guys father actually making a push to get him (the bomber) picked up by the feds and then find out that the father was wrong?

Because of his lack of experience and the president’s attitude his life as a CIA agent would be over, he would have been sent packing and worse yet he would have been called a Republican.

We need to get back to fighting the war on terror, focus on the DOD model of action and quality over quantity. Stand behind our men in the intelligence services and maybe just maybe we still have a chance to do a Patraeus / McCrystal surge to victory.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

No is the way to say YES

NO! NO! NO! As a parent that is the most common thing I say as a way to show my love and concern for my kids. No to Drugs, no to Drinking and Driving, basically no to foolish habits like those and even frivolous spending all of which will cause them to have a bad life. The Republicans have been called the party of No and the truth is I am ok with that, because I love my country and just like I do my kids it is time to tell our politicians NO!

No is actually the way to say YES to a better future for our children and also to help our country recover. I as the parent am not here to be my kid’s friend, it is my responsibility to be the parent and teach the difference between right and wrong. I am not here to be my elected officials’ friend; politicians have become like spoiled kids and have no clue what the word no is. It has become our job to be the parent in this situation and to teach them the lesson of right and wrong by telling those in elected office NO!

We have an electorate that is like your average teenager who will tell his or her parents how to do everything as if they are smarter than the parents.

Like a parents biggest fear of their kids getting hooked on drugs and alcohol. Our politicians are high on power and drunk with spending and have formed the bad habits of ignoring the will of the people (their parents). We need to talk to our politicians and tell them (possibly in the same way we speak to our children) that over spending is bad for you and will make everyone’s life harder.

The media has made it sound like saying no is the only thing that the conservative movement is doing. For the media who is a propaganda machine for this President, the first thing we conservatives do is say no. No to big spending increases, no to the take over of the economy by the government and no the encroachment of the government into every aspect of our daily lives. Put a stop to the deeper corruption of our government by saying no, only after the politicians learn that lesson can we say “YES”, yes to real answers that will solve this situation. And if not then we need to look to the 2010 elections and say no to those who can’t understand the destruction they are doing. Hopefully a politician will read this and say “how repetitive”, because if they do then my job is done. It is repetition that I use to drill the point home for my kids. NO! NO! NO!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The future of Christmas?

Because of new climate and environmental laws, there will be no Christmas this year.

It seems one Kris Kringle, a.k.a Santa Claus, has been grounded due to advocating genocide and violation of carbon standards.

It seems that our government apprehended Santa at his North Pole residence.

The charges against him claim that Santa has inspired families to buy or cut down Christmas trees, with the sole purpose of putting presents under them.

Although, the government does admit that the holiday known as Christmas did temporarily prevent the use of the chimney, thereby saving many trees (this is the main entrance for Santa on Christmas Eve).

The overall effect is mitigated by the millions of trees killed, decorated and disposed of each year.

The government commented that Santa is a co-conspirator and that a warrant has been issued for one Jesus of Nazareth (the reason for the season). It is stated that this other wanted person apparently left town some time ago [whereabouts unknown] with no idea of when he might return.

Sources further claim that Santa has not hired a lawyer yet, but during processing at a federal prison, Santa was found to have a bag of coal. This didn't bother the federal agents till it was found that the names of all elected officials in government were on each piece of coal.

Failing to prove invasion of privacy by St. Nick, the feds charged him with violation of pollution standards for improperly storing the coal in violation of E.P.A. standards.

Prosecutors were said to be trying to work a deal, suggesting that if Santa could help with the passing of healthcare reform for the President, the charges could be dropped.

Sources are reported to say that the only response was HO, HO, HELL NO!

What would Suess say about taxes

Tax, tax, tax.

Oh the taxes we will pay,

work all day and save all night because of the taxes you will pay.

Go to work to your job, oh the taxes you do pay.

Own a car, fill it up,

and speed up the taxes you do pay.

Buying food at the store, on your plate you'll be taxed some more.

Have a phone and you will see that ringing tone is taxing you and me.

Taxed to pay for things we need, taxes to pay for their political greed.

Taxed all morning and through the day, Taxed Enough Already is what we say.

Government should spend less instead of taxing more; can’t politicians stop acting like a fiscal whore?

All the money you could ever spend, tax, tax, and taxed again.

Will this spending never end, one way to stop it is with a friend.

Start at the rallies, together you must go.

To stop the tax and the spending show, our voices louder as the crowds do show.

President Obama don't you know, the conservative movement steadily grows.

What to do and where to go, to the poles don't you know.

Back to being a republic we must fly, so our country doesn't wither and die.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

We need a real Robin Hood

Everyone knows the tale of Robin Hood and how he stole from the rich and gave to the poor, but what would you say if I told you that the premise of the story is not true? Fact is, he and his merry men risked all to steal from the government (the king) and gave back to the tax payers (the poor). He had many rich friends, like Maid Marian, from whom he never stole. It was always the Sheriff of Nottingham and the lords who profited from the taxes that he would ambush in the woods. Robin never went to the merchants and took from them, because they, like the average citizen, were overly taxed. His sole focus was the sheriff and the other lords who went around “raping” the people of all that they had earned. I point this out because in our modern day we have President Obama who came into office like Errol Flynn swinging in with all the flair of the hero in the classic black and white film. He stood there with a smile saying, “I am going to take from the rich and give to the poor,” and people ate it up in heaps because of the fear stirred up by the media.

But now we have regrets, because we are further in debt and have even more unemployment than predicted. By electing Obama, people didn’t get Robin Hood, instead they got the Sheriff of Nottingham. And instead of robbing from the rich, he is imposing more taxes, including increased taxes on your bosses along with other planned taxes that will prevent businesses from hiring or expanding. We will soon have higher healthcare premiums as well. All of this makes the other lords (Pelosi, Reed, Frank) happy.

What we need is a modern day Robin Hood (regardless of party) who will take back from the government what it has wrongfully taken (through over taxation) from the tax payers and who, instead of using the sword, will use answers and reason to fight an increasingly oppressive federal government. Our modern day Robin would push to end an entitlement society that allows people to steal the hard earned dollars from you and me and puts into effect an incentive policy that makes people want to work—instead of sitting at home living off of Social Security disability or welfare. [You know them. They are the ones you heard talking about how to get on the welfare rolls even though they are fully capable of working.] Our Robin would know that the answer to helping everyone includes implementing a Fair Tax (which makes us more competitive on the world markets), term limits (to prevent the problem of life-long members), tort reform (which would include the end to the class action suits), smaller government (get rid of redundancy) and the implementation of laws that encourage the medical system to fix the problems and provide what doctors and patients want.

I would like people to know that I am being general about people on welfare, Social Security disability and other programs—but the system is rife with people who are able to work, yet choose to take the easy route in life that requires little more than to show up for the check and keep complaining about medical problems.

Robin Hood took from the government and gave back to the tax payers, because he knew that what was rightfully theirs should not be taken away in order for those in government to just continue to increase their influence. A Robin Hood like this is what I would call a real hero. The question is: where is he and would anyone actually support him besides me?

Jimmie T. Smith

(With editing by Gail Hollenbeck)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Obama, Not so funny.

Is President Obama following the examples of Rufus T. Firefly, the Fictional President of Freedonia (from the Marx brother’s movie Duck Soup)?

Swept into office by ardent supporters who had a blind faith in his ability, he has come into office making rules that make no sense and he doesn't plan on following.

And as he talked fast an assured, he blinded everyone till they realized what he had said. Now you find it was all just a song and dance.

The problem is that unlike a move or what his Hollywood supporters think, this is reality and not some funny movie where we laugh till the end.

America is in crisis, I know people say it was President Bush's fault and to some extent I agree. The lack of vetoes on run away spending was a major concern; he should have vetoed wasteful spending bills regardless of which party sponsored it.

Yet it is a fact that our current President came in with a funny song and dance routine of how to fix things, when as a straight man he isn't qualified to run a quick mart store.

He has simply been a front man for all the Democrats that were looking for someone who could sell the people of America their policies.

A stimulus bill written by an organization that has an agenda, health bill by a party that thinks it knows better than doctors or patients, and a cap and trade bill that is in support of fraudulent scientist theory.

Our president claimed to be someone who was going to work to fix what was broke in Washington.

Still days go by and you see, not only did he not stop the show he taught everyone a new step that no one can keep up with.

The song and dance routine that Rufus T. Firefly did was funny and as a movie it made fun of politicians.

Obama's song and dance isn't funny and instead of making fun of politicians he laughing at us.

Groucho funny, Obama not so much. Maybe a mustache and cigar will help.